Grace Treehouse Preschool was founded in 2020 as a ministry of Grace Community Chapel of New Jersey. It is a vision that was laid upon the hearts of the GCC leaders to provide a nurturing Christian environment where children could be given a solid spiritual and academic education.
"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."
Proverb 22:6
Our Beliefs
Scripture Alone
We believe that the Bible is the ultimate authority for faith and life and the inspired Word of God. Therefore, we teach our children about the ways of life based on Scripture. Bible-teaching and memorizing life-giving scripture verses are the most important part of our curriculum.

Christ Alone
We believe that Jesus Christ is the only way to God. Jesus fully paid the penalty for our sins with his perfect life, death, and resurrection, and nothing we can do can add to the work of Christ for us. Therefore, we help our children build their personal relationship with Jesus and enjoy their daily walks with Him.

Grace Alone
We believe that we can do nothing to make ourselves right with God. Only God deserves credit for our salvation. Through his mercy and grace alone we are made right with God and restored to fellowship with him and with each other. Therefore, we promote the culture of honor and teach our children to forgive, accept, love, and serve one another.

Faith Alone
We believe that by faith alone we receive the benefits and blessings of Christ’s death. We must receive in trust all that he has accomplished for our salvation. Our good works do not earn us salvation; rather they are a grateful response to our salvation. Therefore, we worship and praise God with our children daily and celebrate our salvation through Jesus Christ. We present the message of the gospel to our children in the hope of leading them to salvation in Jesus Christ.

Glory to God Alone
We believe that we now live to bring glory to God. Both as individuals and as a community, we seek in all that we do to bring honor to the God who made us, redeemed us, and continues to love us with an everlasting love. Therefore, we teach our children to glorify God by loving Him, obeying His commands, and loving our neighbor as ourselves. We help children realize their unique designs and fulfill God’s plan for their lives.